Saint's Nights

How Do People Remember Enough for Memoirs?

I know I have memory issues, but really? How accurate can they be, if you're recalling your feelings from 40 years ago? Maybe it really is just my memory issues...

Anyway, today's Snowflake Challenge asks for me to tell everyone a little bit about myself. I'm really not sure what to say, other than I'm a pretty private person... I like to try out new hobbies and eventually stop doing them, and I like to write, and video games are pretty fun.

But that is all rather boring. Luckily, they linked a random question generator! Oh, boy, I hope I don't get boring questions!

Who have you met only one time that left a huge impression on you?

I've written about this previously on a different blog, and it's kind of silly, but I think the very nature of these sorts of transient meetings are kind of silly in some regards.

When I was relatively new to Final Fantasy XIV, I queued into a dungeon for the first time as an Astrologian. I, and the friend at the time who was with me, was having trouble with the final boss, so much so that my gear actually degraded to 0% and I had to quickly swap on lower level, but repaired, gear I still had in my Armory Chest.

Our tank was a Gunbreaker Hrothgar, who was honestly very sweet. He was adamant we would eventually complete the final boss and finish the dungeon, and he never once blamed us for not knowing mechanics or anything. He patiently took his time to explain and even after the umpteenth failure, he just had to say something like, "Don't worry, we'll get it!" or similar...

This was years ago and it left such an impact on me (this was my first positive interaction on this DC in a dungeon with randoms, in a mid-game dungeon!) that now whenever I get new people in a dungeon I try to emulate him and be the best I can be. Because we really will get it.

Can you name 5 things you wouldn't do for a million dollars?

There is very little I wouldn't do for a million dollars, save for maybe taking another human life or doing anything to harm someone else.

20$ (or in this case, a million dollars) is 20$, you know...

What is the assumption that people make about you that's totally wrong?

I have been told that I am pretty intimidating from various people across the years. I actually used to have a bit of a complex about this because I think I'm anything but. I think I'm quite whimsical in fact, even. Silly, if you will.

But people will assume I'm scary or mean based purely on, what I can assume, how I speak and carry myself.

What do you like to do that's considered touristy?

So we have those military vehicles here that can go on land and in water, and there are tours that take you around the city in one of them, showing a bunch of historic landmarks. Then they take you on the river! I haven't been on one of these tours in years, but it's one of my favorite things to do.

I also just like to go around my own city and visit those historic landmarks myself. There's just something so charming about them, even after seeing it for the tenth time.

How long did it take for you to come up with your current signature?

About thirty seconds, which is a lot shorter than I imagined it would take after I changed my name. Actually, I think it changes a little every time I sign it... in that way, I think it might be both difficult and easy to forge... Shh.

So, there's five random questions! I tried to choose some interesting things to say and think about. Let me know about your own experiences and thoughts and answers, too!

With love, Byleth

#SnowflakeChallenge2024 #personal